2009. november 27., péntek

The Swine Flu Prayer

The Swine Flu Prayer

Most merciful and gracious heavenly father I pray that your people, who are called by your name, would humble themselves so that you will heal the land. We have an epidemic before us, and many are fearful but we know that if we pray and believe, we can cast mountains into the sea, so I pray for the mountain of fear to be cast into the sea. You have not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind. So we cannot fear the spread of the Swine Flu when we invest all of our energy into you, the strength of our life. You said that you want us to prosper and be in good health and I claim this for myself and all of your children. But I also pray that all would exercise knowledge, wisdom, and understanding as they navigate through this. For those living in areas where there is a high concentration of affected people–Mexico, Fresh Meadow, Queens, close up orifice that can be a gateway for the virus, strengthen immune systems, breathe health and purity into their bodies. Into all of our bodies. Give us knowledge and wisdom to take the practical measures to protect themselves. For those who have been infected with the virus be Jehovah Rophe, the God who heals. Speak into their lives. Breathe into their lives. Provide the affected with the best medical care available. Bless the doctors and nurses, who are having to deal with this onslaught of patients, with patience. Comfort the families who have experienced loss at the hands of this disease. And most of all, I pray that people would put their trust in you and you alone. You are the only one who can get us through this.

In Jesus’ Name,


The Loudmouth Protestant

Figyelem! A fenti kép társítása az imádsággal sértheti egyesek vallási vagy állatvédői meggyőződéseit és érzéseit. A kép nem az imádság komolyságát vagy szentségét kívánja aláásni, hanem az influenzajárvány körüli üzletszerű pánikkeltést hivatott kigúnyolni. A képen ábrázolt imádkozó sertés bárminemű hasonlósága Önnel vagy sertésével kizárólag a véletlen műve. Az alkotás a művészi kifejezés szabadságának terméke. :)

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