2010. január 11., hétfő

Scottish church beats snow with online services

Borders church beats snow with online services


Christian Today
Brian Hutt
January 11, 2010

The minister of several churches in the Scottish borders is beating the big freeze by holding worship services online.

Yetholm Kirk in the snow. The church in the Scottish borders was one of several that had to cancel their regular services because of the big freeze.

More than 12 inches of snow, sub-zero temperatures and treacherous conditions for walkers as well as drivers has left some of his flock unable to attend services as usual at Linton, Morebattle, Hownam and Yetholm in Jedburgh Presbytery.

Services had to be cancelled after heavy snow fall buried parking spaces and blocked access to the churches.

Keen to ensure worshippers did not miss out, Rev Robin McHaffie made it possible for them to worship at home instead by emailing the service, including typed hymns, and posting it online.

"We advised Radio Borders, and on that announcement pointed people to our website, cheviotchurches.org, where I had posted the servicen," he explained.

"This received quite a few hits and I know from feedback a number of members went online or downloaded the file at church time and read through, or sang through, the service.

"The website is part of our mission work, and part of our outreach to others."

Although the online services made for a successful alternative in the circumstances, Rev McHaffie said he and the congregations were looking forward to being able to worship together again in person.

The weather turned milder over the weekend with temperatures climbing above zero. More snow is expected in many parts of the country on Tuesday but forecasters expect it to turn to rain fairly quickly.

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